old school

old school

This was my first stencil piece ever. I had studied stencil art for years before we did this in art class. It was a class of many age groups, I was on the younger side- and some kids on the older end of the spectrum looked at me while I was working on this project and said "looks like someone's done this before." I hadn't 'done this' before, but my mind had- over, and over, and over again. I had studied other stencil artists, I had watched tutorials- my mind had spun this craft so may times in so many ways. To me, at a very young age, this was one of the first experiences I had with perfecting an action through thought first. It was an incredible lesson, and opportunity to open the powers of my mind in my craft (plus the older kids were impressed, and younger me also thought that was pretty cool- but, anyways).

May this piece bring it's owner perfection of action in the mind. May this piece lead you through your passions, desires, and allow the mind to sculpt your craft before you ever pick up the tools. May this piece also bring it's owner recognition from others for a job well done.



don't choke


if he wanted to