Flame Watching
Flame Watching
When you ask to be reborn, this requires death. It is such an incredible thing to know there is destruction happening, and all you're able to do in that moment is watch the flame burn the life around you- the things you've built, relationships, jobs. The flame has no mercy when you ask for things specifically, especially in a rebirth process. Sometimes all you can do is stand and stare. Know that when that flame reaches it's wick end, then it is time for the birth to occur- but in that moment you must choose to rise. If you do not rise, then you will continue to sit in the void of space that the flame has created. Things may naturally grow again, but your action is required when you're the one who set your life on fire in the first place.
May the owner of this piece be brought the courage to rise again, and the foresight to know what/who/when/where/why is changing in their rebirth- and may there be peace built throughout the process in elevation.