H34L1NG L0V3
H34L1NG L0V3
There is only so much healing you can do by yourself before you need support around you. We are creatures together on this Earth, meant to share in our human nature. For, it is all of our nature's that make up the collective of human's nature. When you need support, who do you call on? When you need healing, where do you find love? We of course must build and strengthen the love in ourself, and some of these building skills and tools can be found in other people's words and actions. Even when you do not realize it, you are helping to heal others. When you love, someone receives that love- and by the good graces of your soul, may that love heal both you and any other receivers.
May this piece bring it's owner a sense of stability, a sense of support- may it bring them healing, love, courage, softness, and bravery through the portal that is this NFT.